

Larry Led The Fight Against The State’s Water Grab

‘Without fanfare, Larry has led the fight against the state’s water grab and to protect our water for our local families and farmers. He is not afraid to take on the special interests, who continue to try to sell our water out of our area. Larry is the only MID board member to attend virtually every State Water Board hearing regarding unimpaired flows (the water grab) and FERC meetings to relicense MID’s Don Pedro hydrological project. Larry has worked with both sides of the aisle to protect our water, engaging both republican and democratic legislators and numerous federal and state agencies. He knows the issues and the players.

When our county faced significant groundwater challenges, Larry stepped up to help me form the Stanislaus Water Advisory Committee, a unique cross section of the county, cities and irrigation districts to work on sustainable long-term solutions to our groundwater challenges. Larry championed the MID Groundwater Replenishment Program, which received a first-place award from the California Municipal Utility Association for innovative stewardship of our water resources. We need Larry now more than ever to protect our invaluable water resources.’

Terry Withrow, Stanislaus County Supervisor

Larry Stopped Electrical Rate Increases

‘Nobody knows MID like Larry. He has led the effort to cut wasteful spending while ensuring that MID remains one of the most reliable power and water suppliers in California. In the decade before his election 9 years ago, MID’s debt doubled and electrical rates skyrocketed over 100%. Since his election, MID has not had a single electrical rate increase while reducing its debt by over $300 million. Larry always advocates for the ratepayer, and I look forward to serving with Larry for another 4 years.’

Nick Blom, MID Director