
Re-Elect Larry Byrd

“When I was elected to the MID Board nine years ago, I vowed to stop electrical rate increases and fight to protect our water. I have kept my promises. I ask for your vote so I can continue to fight for you.”

Larry Byrd, The Voice For The Ratepayer

MID has not raised electrical rates in 9 years.

MID is mounting an effective campaign to stop the state’s water grab.

About Larry

Larry has dedicated his entire adult life to MID, a 35-year career in the electrical and water divisions and then 9 years on the Board. He has fought to stop all electrical rate increases and retired $300 million in MID debt, restoring MID as a low-cost power supplier. He has also led the fight against the state water grab.

Larry and Cheryl, his wife of 52 years, built a successful cattle-ranching and farming business. Three generations of his family currently work together in his farming operation.

Larry is a founding member of the Stanislaus Water Advisory Committee, and served on the Tuolumne River Tributaries Association, the Farm Service Agency, the California Cattlemen Association, and was a member of the Waterford Lions Club. 

Larry and Cheryl have spent their entire lives in Stanislaus County. Larry’s grandparents moved their dairy to this County in the 1930’s due in large part to MID’s low electrical and water rates.


Larry Led The Fight Against The State’s Water Grab

‘Without fanfare, Larry has led the fight against the state’s water grab and to protect our water for our local families and farmers. He is not afraid to take on the special interests, who continue to try to sell our water out of our area. Larry is the only MID board member to attend virtually every State Water Board hearing regarding unimpaired flows (the water grab) and FERC meetings to relicense MID’s Don Pedro hydrological project. Larry has worked with both sides of the aisle to protect our water, engaging both republican and democratic legislators and numerous federal and state agencies. He knows the issues and the players.

When our county faced significant groundwater challenges, Larry stepped up to help me form the Stanislaus Water Advisory Committee, a unique cross section of the county, cities and irrigation districts to work on sustainable long-term solutions to our groundwater challenges. Larry championed the MID Groundwater Replenishment Program, which received a first-place award from the California Municipal Utility Association for innovative stewardship of our water resources. We need Larry now more than ever to protect our invaluable water resources.’

Terry Withrow, Stanislaus County Supervisor

Larry Stopped Electrical Rate Increases

‘Nobody knows MID like Larry. He has led the effort to cut wasteful spending while ensuring that MID remains one of the most reliable power and water suppliers in California. In the decade before his election 9 years ago, MID’s debt doubled and electrical rates skyrocketed over 100%. Since his election, MID has not had a single electrical rate increase while reducing its debt by over $300 million. Larry always advocates for the ratepayer, and I look forward to serving with Larry for another 4 years.’

Nick Blom, MID Director

In The Media

Until the Last Drop


Our Water Fight Continues

By: Larry Byrd, 10/6/20

The Modesto Bee recently reported that the Modesto Irrigation District and the Turlock Irrigation District, our partner on the Don Pedro Reservoir, achieved a significant win in our eleven-year effort to relicense Don Pedro.  Don Pedro provides green and inexpensive hydroelectric power reducing our electrical rates while providing critical surface water supplies to Modesto and hopefully in the near future to Waterford ensuring long term sustainable groundwater supplies.  Don Pedro also supplies water to over 200,000 acres of farmland, supporting our farmers who drive our local economy. 

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission staff supported our science-based, cost-effective habitat restoration plan and rejected the State Water Board’s devastating unimpaired flow requirements.  They recognized that MID’s approach will enhance fish habitat while ensuring water supply for our families, businesses, and farmers.


Byrd Still Best for MID Board

By: Eric Caine, 9/18/20

Byrd has always been a staunch opponent of water sales and a fierce defender of local water rights. He sounded the alarm on groundwater depletion well before California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act required local entities to show plans for achieving sustainable groundwater use and has insisted during his nine-year term on the MID Board that groundwater sustainability be among the board’s chief concerns.

Byrd noted that when he was elected to the Board, MID was in debt. He said the Board is now fiscally sound and in an excellent position to keep pursuing state requirements for the conversion to clean energy.



In Letters to the Editor, 10/21/20

Many voters may have little understanding of what is at stake in the upcoming election for the Division 1 seat on the Modesto Irrigation District board of directors.

Unlike his opponent, incumbent Larry Byrd is a really experienced board member who thoroughly understands the complexities of rate-setting for electricity and water, assuring continuing benefits for both urban and rural residents. Increased impacts from global warming and a growing urban population present our region with tremendous challenges. The long-term survival of city residents and farmers depends entirely on the availability of adequate surface water from the Tuolumne River and groundwater from our aquifers. Water stored in aquifers far, far exceeds all the water stored in all the reservoirs combined.

By flooding their orchards and fields, farmers help maintain and increase that underground reservoir, which then becomes available to all when needed. Farmers and urbanites should do all they can to maintain maximum groundwater storage in anticipation of great future droughts.

The connections between the land, rivers, aquifers, hydrology and economics are not easily understood, but Larry Byrd has spent a lifetime developing an understanding of all these areas. He has served MID well and should be re-elected.

Vance Kennedy, Modesto, retired U.S. Geological Survey Scientist


In Letters to the Editor, 10/14/20

I support Larry Byrd because Larry helped us turn MID around. Before we were elected nine years ago, the MID board simply rubber-stamped staff’s budget. Larry insisted on reviewing every line of the budget, questioning spending and capital projects. That, in part, is why MID’s debt has been reduced over $300 million in nine years with no electrical rate increase.

Larry’s opponent criticizes Larry for being divisive, but I can tell you from my personal experience that Larry is collaborative and respectful of all board members and staff. He is well-respected by MID management and staff. I can assure you that any division on our board is not caused by Larry Byrd.

Nick C. Blom, MID Board Director, Modesto


In Letters to the Editor, 9/20/20

MID director Larry Byrd has my support for reelection. Larry is our strongest champion for our local water rights and for district ratepayers. Larry works hard, studies deeply, and voices loudly to protect our best interests.

I ran against Larry for the open seat in 2011. While we were opposing candidates, Larry and I worked together to stop the secret and ill-advised water sale to San Francisco. After winning the seat, Larry finished the job as a director. Today we have a strong mutual respect and continue to work closely on important issues.

I trust and appreciate Larry Byrd’s tireless work as an MID director.

John Duarte, Modesto


In Letters to the Editor, 9/27/20

As the retired Modesto postmaster, small-business owner and lifelong resident, the words Water Wealth Contentment Health have great meaning to me. I’m keenly aware water is our lifesource. Protecting our water from the state’s water grab should be our No. 1 priority.

Having pledged this goal with Worth My Fight, I have watched and attended both MID board meetings and (state) Water Board hearings. The energetic and passionate Larry Byrd has always been a staunch advocate for keeping our water. He’s often the first one to arrive and the last to leave, always sitting front and center, making sure the Water Board knows he’s there fighting for ratepayers. While Suzy Powell-Roos is a notable athlete and role model in our area, she seems to be showing up late to the game. This is especially concerning to me because she is running as a farmer.

True, you won’t find Larry Byrd at Rotary meetings, a Chamber meeting or a country club but that is not what we need. We have enough board members in it for networking opportunities. The seventh game of the World Series is not the time to replace a knowledgeable seasoned player with a rookie.

Jennifer Gowans, Modesto

Larry Byrd:  A Fight for now, a fight for our future. 

By Larry Byrd, 12/18/16

There’s been a series of articles since the State Water Resources Control Board released its proposal for significantly increased river flows, allegedly for the benefit of fish and water quality. Modesto Irrigation District’s story has been absent from the mix – the vision of our forefathers, the decisions we’ve made, the sound science we’ve invested in, our commitment to our community and our vision for the future.

As a rancher, MID retiree and now a board member, here’s our story: In 1887, MID was formed as the second irrigation district in California (behind our long-standing Tuolumne River partner Turlock Irrigation District). Our forefathers’ vision was clear and their determination profound as they began transformation of a desert wasteland into one of the nation’s most productive agricultural regions.



Please make checks payable to Larry Byrd for MID Director 2020

Include name*, address*, city*, state, zip*, phone number, email, occupation* and employer* and mail checks to:

Larry Byrd for MID Director 2020
2100 Tim Bell Road
Waterford, CA 95386

*Information required by law. 

Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.

FPPC# 1336761

If you have any questions or would like a yard sign or to add your name to the list of endorsements here, please email Larry at byrdnest@fire2wire.com.